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Bottom Line:

Bacteria is something we are trained to from childhood, but the truth is that our bodies are filled with trillions of bacteria that help play an essential role in our digestive processes and much more. Researchers have recently discovered that the types and amounts of bacteria in your gut is actually linked to your likelihood of developing diabetes, obesity, depression, and even cancer. So, it would appear that our digestive health isn’t just about what we put into our mouths, but is a critical factor in our overall health and well-being.

Why it Matters:

There are hundreds of different types of bacteria in your gut that line your entire digestive system and continuously interact with your nervous, immune, and endocrine systems. Believe it or not, these small bacteria can impact everything from your mood to the strength of your immune system! But they also are responsible for how efficiently your body is able to process the foods you eat. Imbalances in your gut bacteria can slow down your metabolism and even lead to metabolic syndrome, which is a precursor to diabetes.

- You have a unique combination of bacteria in your gut. It is specific to you, just like your fingerprint.

- A gut with too much or too little bacteria can cause a variety of health problems including constipation, irritable bowel, or metabolic syndrome.

- A healthy diet and active lifestyle can dramatically improve the overall health of your gut.

Next Steps:

Body signals such as constipation, irritable bowel, or even mood swings can be signs of an imbalanced gut. If you have been suffering from any of these symptoms, please let us know. We’re aware of the impact those body signals can have on your daily life. Our team has helped guide hundreds of people to better gut health, and we would be happy to see if we could also help you!

Science Source:

Gut Bacteria in Health and Disease. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013

Healthline. 10 Ways to Improve Your Gut Bacteria. 2016

Bottom Line:

Staying up late one night usually only results in feeling a little tired the next day, but when this happens day after day, it can really start to negatively affect your life. Research has shown that a lack of proper sleep can result in irritability, increased stress, a weakened immune system, and even joint pains. However, by developing a few healthy habits, you’ll be able to ensure that your brain and body get the rest the deserve, so you are ready to have a productive next day.

Why it Matters:

Practicing a relaxing nighttime ritual, such as powering down your electronics and reading a book, can help prepare your body for a good night's sleep - and don’t forget the TV. While some people like to sleep with the television on, researchers have found that minimizing background noise can actually help your brain get more rest. In our own office, we’ve also heard from countless patients that they get a better night’s sleep after getting adjusted, which makes sense considering the numerous benefits of Chiropractic care. 

- Wind down for approximately 30 minutes before bed by turning off your electronics.

- Minimize background noise to help your brain get much-deserved rest.

- Many patients report a more restful sleep after getting adjusted.

Next Steps:

Looking for more tips on how you can get a better night's sleep? Come to our upcoming workshop where we’ll teach you about the best sleep position for your spine, how sleep helps your immune system stay strong, and how Chiropractic care can decrease the stress you hold in those muscles supporting your neck and shoulders. If you want to Sleep Better Tonight, then this workshop is for you!

Science Source:

Harvard Health Publishing. Harvard Medical School 2018 EOS Sleep Centers. Dr. David Volpi

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